
I am sitting on a concrete , calling the breeze, smiling and pretending like a little buddha. 
Of course, I’m fine and this boiling hot is exhaustive.
And how are you?
And all the roads we have to walk along are winding
And all the lights that lead us there are blinding
There are many things that I would
Like to say to you
I don’t know how“


Sedím na betóne, riskujem zápal všetkého možného, privolávam vánok, usmievam sa a tvárim sa ako malý budha. 
Samozrejme, je mi fajn a teplo mi lezie na mozog. 
A ako sa máte vy?  
„And all the roads we have to walk along are winding
And all the lights that lead us there are blinding
There are many things that I would
Like to say to you
I don’t know how“

Love, peace and fashion Ivanka
Shoes: Gate, Jumpsuit: Second-hand (Next), Sunglasses: Second-hand

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