What´s new in my wardrobe?
Top: Topshop, Leggings: from Poland, Bag: F&F
Shirt: H&M, Sweater: Stradivarius
Shoes: From Poland
The Weekend spent doing nothing.
Yesterday I was in Poland,I did a shopping with my mum and in addition I did absolutely nothing!
On Friday I watched Sex and the city,yesterday it was on Disney Channel „a day with Selena Gomez“ and today it was Twilight and Wall-e…*-*
Beautiful weekend….:-)
Víkend strávený ničnerobením…:-)
Včera som bola v Poľsku na nákupoch a okrem toho som cez víkend nespravila absolútne nič.
V piatok som pozerala Sex v meste 1, včera bol na Disney Channel „Den se Selenou Gomez“ a dnes to bol Twilight a Wall-e….:-)
Krásny víkend za nami, „hor sa“ do učenia…..
Love, peace and fashion Ikin´
LOVE those floral wedges!
hay gorgeouss..
a few days ago i started to blog.
I would be really happy if you like to visit it in order to give me some feedback or to be my follower.
would you check it out and follow me?
if you want i also follow you back!!
thanks a lot & kisses from germany XX
nádherné šaty a pesničku z názvu miluejm 🙂 (depresívna ale krásna)
Love this floral dress…
Love the floral dress! The bag is cute too.
xoxo Simona
pytala som sa ta na Chachaland, lebo som spoznala tie fotky pri bazene, som totizto tiez ucastnicka Chachalandu 😀
Love the top and the bag!
nice floral prints
really lovely things. I especially love the flowered shoes!
aj ja chcem! 🙂
oooohmygoooodness! love that cute pink bag!! and those floral shoes are just the cutest thing ever!!
Dokonale vecicky 🙂 uplne uzasne 🙂
a kvietkovane saty dokonalost 🙂
welche Größe sind die wunderbaren flower-wedges?
wenn 38 oder 39, würdest du mir vllt die sohlenlänge ausmessen? würd sie mir gern bestellen, weiß nur leider nicht welche größe 😀
lg 🙂