Shopping, alebo prečo sa Ivanka rozpráva sama so sebou

Dnes bola Ivanka nakupovať. Darilo sa jej veľmi dobre, veď minula skoro 30€! A to už je pri jej šetrnej povahe čo povedať. :-)Bola nakupovať v jej obľúbenom „sekáči“ a našla tam aspoň tri veci( ktoré už teraz miluje) s originál visačkami. V škole sa dnes mala dobre, pretože dostala z nemčiny dve jednotky a začala robiť projekt na tému „Ideale Schule“.Na telesnej si zaplávala v bazéne aspoň 8 dĺžok a po tréningu je úplne zbitá a nevie, či sa zajtra postaví na nohy.*-*
A prečo píšem v tretej osobe? Lebo sa niekedy cítim ako rozdvojenná osobnosť a sem-tam sa rozprávam sama so sebou. :-)))
Today was Ivanka shopping. It did her very well, she spent almost 30€! And it is in its nature-friendly things to say. 🙂 She was shopping in her favorite second-hand shop and found at least three things (which now loves) with original label . In the school was everything okey because she received from the German two units and she began to do a project  „Ideale Schule“. She swam in the pool at least 8 lengths and after training she is completely dead and does not know whether tomorrow will stand on his feet .* -*
And why I am writing in third person?Sometimes I feel like I have two personalities.Here and there, I talk with myself. :-)))

                                                    Love,peace and fashion Ikin´

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