Look inside your tiny mind

Human happiness is very fragile. It‚s just like with a glass ball. Without further ado you can touch it, here and there you can throw it from one hand to the other, but when it fall, it’ll never improve. 
It is said that the fragments bring happiness, but bring good luck also the fragments of happiness?
The spring is coming. I know because I have allergies. (And it comes with spring.) 
But today the spring take some pause. Although it was not cold, but there was no sun. 

Ľudské šťastie je veľmi krehké. Je to s ním presne ako so sklenenou guľou. Bez okolkov sa jej môžete dotýkať, sem-tam si ju môžete prehodiť z jednej ruky do druhej, no keď vám spadne, už ju nikdy nezlepíte.
Hovorí sa, že črepy prinášajú šťastie, no prinesú štastie aj črepy šťastia? 

Prichádza jar. Viem to, lebo mám alergiu. (A tá prichádza s jarou.)

Ale dnes si asi dala pauzu. Síce nebola zima, no nesvietilo slnko.
Tak som sa teda navrstvila. A poriadne!

Love, peace and fashion Ivanka

Shoes: New Yorker, Pants: Second-hand, Bag: Second-hand, Coat: Mayo Chix, Sweters: mum´s wardrobe, second-hand, Vest: Takko

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