Dress:H&M,Leggings,Belt: Second hand,bracelets
First I would like to thank the people who watch, comment, or visit my blog. I never would have thought that I have 48 Followers. I really appreciate it and hope, following of my blog will bring more benefit than harm. 🙂
I have a lot of new pictures – outfit, but I do not want to add here at once. I decided that the next few days whenever I add a photo of the day. 🙂
The school already is not as strenuous as it was in recent weeks. But on Monday I am still waiting for testing the Slovak, which is the last subject that I have not yet closed. (Thus, those objects is a bit more, but those will be one hundred percent of the units, so those do not bother me anymore.) Keep my fingers 🙂
As to the articles of the blog, so you might have noticed that I didn´t wrote nothing meaningful 🙂
I have a lot of new pictures – outfit, but I do not want to add here at once. I decided that the next few days whenever I add a photo of the day. 🙂
The school already is not as strenuous as it was in recent weeks. But on Monday I am still waiting for testing the Slovak, which is the last subject that I have not yet closed. (Thus, those objects is a bit more, but those will be one hundred percent of the units, so those do not bother me anymore.) Keep my fingers 🙂
As to the articles of the blog, so you might have noticed that I didn´t wrote nothing meaningful 🙂
But I have an idea to the article that I would soon write. I will try to do so as soon as possible. *-*
Ako prvé by som sa chcela veľmi pekne poďakovať ľuďom, ktorí sledujú, komentujú, či navštevujú môj blog. Nikdy v živote by ma nenapadlo, že môžem mat 48 Followers. Veľmi si to vážim a dúfam, že sledovanie môjho blogu vám bude prinášať viac úžitku než škody. 🙂
Mám veľmi veľa nových fotiek – outfity, no nechcem ich tu pridávať naraz. Rozhodla som sa, že nasledujúce dni pridám vždy fotky z určitého dňa. 🙂
V škole to už nie je také namáhavé, ako to bolo za posledné týždne. No v pondelok ma ešte čaká skúšanie zo Slovenčiny, čo je vlastne posledný predmet, ktorý ešte nemám uzavretý. (Teda, tých predmetov je trošku viac, ale z tých budú na sto percent jednotky, tak tie ma už netrápia.) Držte mi palce, pretože si myslím, že si jednotku zo slovenčiny naozaj zaslúžim. 🙂
Čo sa týka článkov na blogu, tak ste si mohli všimnúť, že som dlho nič zmysluplného nenapísala.:)
No mám v hlave nápad na článok, ktorý by som chcela v blízkej dobe napísať. Budem sa snažiť, aby to bolo čo najskôr. *-*
Love,peace and fashion Ikin´
gorgeous dress =]
btw,thanks for commenting my blog =]
Very pretty dress 🙂
Přenádherné šatičky:-)!
That dress is really cute!
Cutie 😉
nádherné šaty, a s tim páskem.. paráda :))
Love the dress !
Remember December ♥
great outfit, love that dress!
cute dress! you’re sitting pretty! 🙂
by the way, come check out my giveaway!
You deserve it, thanks for always commenting my posts, you’re so lovely 🙂 Keep up the good work!
I drop a comment when I appreciate a post on a site or if I have something to contribute to the discussion.
It’s caused by the sincerness communicated in the post I looked at. And on this article „I feel a separation coming on ‚Cause I know you want to be moving on“. I was excited enough to post a thought 😉 I do have some questions for you if it’s allright. Could it be simply me or do some of the responses look like left by brain dead individuals? 😛 And, if you are writing on additional online social sites, I would like to follow anything new you have to post. Would you list every one of all your communal sites like your linkedin profile, Facebook page or twitter feed?
my site > Feet swollen